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TEST 2017

Hailing from the village of Muthuvankudi where Ecotones is located, Manoj is well-versed with the peoples and their cultures which goes a long way in understanding the pulse of the area and its people. Stationed at Ecotones throughout the year, he oversees all the activities offered at Ecotones – from accompanying guests on captivating cycling routes, imparting information about the area, its spices and agriculture along his one-of-a-kind spice walks, to leading the way along challenging treks, showing you around the village and captivating you with the tantalizing aromas of cuisine demonstrations.


Hailing from the village of Muthuvankudi where Ecotones is located, Manoj is well-versed with the peoples and their cultures which goes a long way in understanding the pulse of the area and its people. Stationed at Ecotones throughout the year, he oversees all the activities offered at Ecotones – from accompanying guests on captivating cycling routes, imparting information about the area, its spices and agriculture along his one-of-a-kind spice walks, to leading the way along challenging treks, showing you around the village and captivating you with the tantalizing aromas of cuisine demonstrations.

“And when you have reached the mountain top, then you shall begin to climb.” (Kahlil Gibran)

For Manoj Narayanan and Praveen Muraleedharan the concept of Ecotones Camps was born out of a pa

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